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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 24, Issue 1, pp. 1-277

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Energy Estimates Relating Different Linear Elastic Models of a Thin Cylindrical Shell I. The Membrane-Dominated Case

Jyrki Piila and Juhani Pitkaranta

pp. 1-22

Weak Solutions of Some Quasilinear Elliptic Equations with Data Measures

Nour Eddine Alaa and Michel Pierre

pp. 23-35

Existence of Global Weak Solutions to the Dynamical Problem for a Three-Dimensional Elastic Body with Singular Memory

Hamid Bellout, Frederick Bloom, and Jindrich Necas

pp. 36-45

Weak Solution to an Evolution Problem with a Nonlocal Constraint

Peter Shi

pp. 46-58

On the Riemann Problem for a Combustion Model

Tong Li

pp. 59-75

Classification of the Riemann Problem for Two-Dimensional Gas Dynamics

Carsten W. Schulz-Rinne

pp. 76-88

Threshold Behavior and Propagation for a Differential-Difference System

Wei-Zheng Gao

pp. 89-115

Global Asymptotic Stability for a Stationary Solution of a System of Integro-Differential Equations Describing the Formation of Liver Zones

Kjell Holmåker

pp. 116-128

Remarks on Periods of Planar Hamiltonian Systems

Franz Rothe

pp. 129-154

Solutions of Third-Order Differential Equations Relevant to Draining and Coating Flows

William C. Troy

pp. 155-171

Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of SDE for Relaxation Oscillations

K. Narita

pp. 172-199

Solvability of Boundary Value Problems for Systems of Singular Differential-Algebraic Equations

Roswitha März and Ewa B. Weinmüller

pp. 200-215

Uniform Harmonic Approximation on Compact Sets in $\mathbb{R}^k $, $k \geqq 3$

Vladimir Andrievskii

pp. 216-222

Positive Hermite Interpolation by Quadratic Splines

Aatos Lahtinen

pp. 223-233

Subdivision Schemes Determined by Coefficients of a Hurwitz Polynomial

I. Yad-Shalom

pp. 234-245

A Class of Bases in $L^2$ for the Sparse Representation of Integral Operators

Bradley K. Alpert

pp. 246-262

Inequalities of Littlewood–Paley Type for Frames and Wavelets

Charles K. Chui and Xianliang Shi

pp. 263-277